On August 2, 2021, SASO issued a notification letter that provided a comprehensive list of permitted and prohibited gases that can be used by air conditioning and refrigeration devices.
See the list of gases here.
On August 2, 2021, SASO issued a notification letter that provided a comprehensive list of permitted and prohibited gases that can be used by air conditioning and refrigeration devices.
See the list of gases here.
On July 14, 2021, SASO issued a notification letter that requires adherence to ISO/TR 16178 - Footwear - Critical Substances Potentially Present in Footwear and Footwear Components. This standard is referenced in the Technical Regulation of Shoes and Accessories which is sufficient requirement with respect to the rest of the tests for harmful substances for all types of footwear and components.
On July 9, 2021, SASO released the new Technical Regulation for leather and the new Technical Regulation for Restricting Hazardous Substances (RoHS) in electrical and electronic appliances and equipment in the official gazette.
For more information, see the Technical Regulation for leather here and the Technical Regulation for RoHS here (available in Arabic only).
On July 29, 2021, the KSA Ministry of Commerce issued a recall for O2 Freezers Model #TBD-26DD due to non-compliance with the Saudi Standard for Energy Efficiency. Consumers are encouraged to contact the company to arrange an appointment for a technician to remove the freezer and recover the purchase amount in cash.
For more information on this recall please visit https://recalls.sa/recall/search
On July 27, 2021, the KSA Ministry of Commerce issued a recall for Asport Electrical Connection Model #A503 due to a risk of overheating which could cause a fire. Consumers are instructed to stop using the product immediately and to contact the company to arrange for a full refund of the purchase amount in cash.
On July 27, 2021, the KSA Ministry of Commerce issued a recall for Moxom Electrical Connection Model #KH-03 due to a risk of overheating which could cause a fire. Consumers are instructed to stop using the product immediately and to contact the company to arrange for a full refund of the purchase amount in cash.
On July 27, 2021, the KSA Ministry of Commerce issued a recall for Moxom Electrical Connection Model #MX-ST02 due to a risk of overheating which could cause a fire. Consumers are instructed to stop using the product immediately and to contact the company to arrange for a full refund of the purchase amount in cash.
For more information on these recalls please visit https://recalls.sa/recall/search
For more information about this update, please contact us at certification@qima.com.
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