Achieving certification under one or several internationally recognized schemes helps you improve and harmonize food safety standards in your supply chain, streamlines your access to global markets, and sends a message of quality to your consumers.
QIMA, through our subsidiary QIMA/WQS, offers certification for numerous GFSI recognized schemes (BRCGS, IFS, PrimusGFS, SQF, GlobalG.A.P.) and other international standards that cover agriculture (fresh produce), food processing, storage and distribution centers and packaging manufacturing.
The Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) is a collaboration between the world’s leading food safety experts from retailer, manufacturer and food service companies with a mission to provide continuous improvement in food safety management systems. GFSI itself is not a certification program, but programs that meet the GFSI benchmarking requirements are “recognized” by GFSI. GFSI recognition means that a food certification program is considered competent by leading retailers and manufacturers internationally, and has been exposed to a demanding assessment.
QIMA-WQS offers certification under the following GFSI recognized schemes:
In addition to the GFSI recognized schemes detailed above, QIMA-WQS offers:
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