Complimentary White Paper

The complexities of importing to Mexico and the importance of a proactive focus

The complexities of importing to Mexico and the importance of a proactive focus

What are the main challenges of importing products to Mexico? Is there a way to reduce the risks of delay and additional costs?

This White Paper will give you insights about:

  • The projections regarding the Mexican economy
  • The Mexican customs' main challenges
  • A summary of the regulation effective since October 2020 and its implications for importers to Mexico
  • The benefits of adopting a proactive focus
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The complexities of importing to Mexico and the importance of a proactive focus

Companies that decide to try and win part of the Mexican market by exporting to and selling their products in Mexico, as well as the Mexican companies importing finalized products or raw material for their production, find themselves facing an importing process characterized by many complexities and peculiarities. Every year, millions of containers pass through the Mexican customs, all of them following the process of having the goods reviewed by a customs broker; one of the two entities that can make the customs clearance review request, a processed required for all foreign goods entering the country.

Despite this mandatory process, the customs release will not always proceed with the speed expected by the importers, and delays and issues detected during the pre-clearance can cause a considerable increase in expenses and time for importers.

Download the white paper to discover more about the complexities related to the process of importing products to Mexico, the importance of a proactive attitude and possible solutions to help you minimize the risks of delays and increased costs.

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